My husband left me for a man
"For several months, my husband was more attentive than ever: flowers, small gifts, especially when he was returning from a weekend (increasingly frequent) with his football team. One evening, he took me to dinner at a restaurant. He looked embarrassed. It was not his style. The conversation dragged. Towards the end of the meal, I started asking him whether there was anything wrong. When he told me, the sky fell on my head! He had fallen completely in love with a young football player on his team and he wanted to live with him! I was mad. I fought to hide it. But he's gone. I wanted to send the gendarmes, and subsequently, took a lawyer. But they told me that nothing could be done. I became depressed. How to tell the kids? Desperate, I went to a shrink”.
Virginia, 47 years, with no children, lives in Bayonne.
The baby's layette
"The classic story. A marriage with very few clouds. And it's getting later and later in the office. He has seminars on Saturday. And they even lasted the whole weekend! Here, I do not work. In fact, there was confusion because I did not understand. It was a colleague from office, eighteen years younger than me! He filed the papers for divorce because he wanted to have children with her, but she wanted to get married first. He said he would leave me and all we had in common. You bet! When we got to the concrete part of the procedure and had to make the list with our joint assets, he changed completely. It was not like him, but you didn’t need to be too smart to guess that he was completely manipulated. Whenever we saw each other, he came with new claims. For example, he wanted to return all the jewelry he gave me. I thought I would crack several times. Fortunately, I had a good lawyer who supported me. In all cases, no more marriage. If it is to end up like this, it is just sad!
Sandra, 31, Paris region, one child a year and a half old, Secretary
I married a handsome stranger
I was seduced by a German, who agreed to take a job in Chicago for me. Soon, we no longer agreed on anything. In fact, he could not stand the way people in Chicago worked or the work schedules in this region. In Germany, he was home at half past four. But we loved it. Three months after giving birth to my daughter, it was clear that the failure was complete. We started the divorce proceedings. And one day, getting the child to the nursery, the shock followed. He had taken the baby. I called my in-laws in Germany: they said they had no news from their son. Well, today I found him in Germany, where he started the divorce proceedings against me, accusing me of having abandoned my home! I filed a complaint for child abduction before the German courts. My American lawyer said I would always get custody of my daughter. But how soon? "
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