What Happens to Those Around You When You Are in a Relationship?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

In case of a divorce, most friends of the couple take sides: yours or your ex-spouse’s. Others take a step back in order not to have to choose because they do not know how to behave.

Furthermore, divorce can hit you where it hurts and mess up your life. Note that you may represent a "danger" as a single for a couple among your friends and that the trio can be embarrassing.

Express your needs 

Close friends or relatives sometimes intervene in your life and try to resolve your problems. They often criticize your spouse, trying to make things better. This type of resentful attitude and service does not help. It also makes you feel guilty towards your kids and this can cause you trouble. Those who seek to reconcile with your spouse undermine your efforts to build a new life. It is therefore necessary to go out and keep in touch with your neighbors, too, even if it upsets you. But above all, tell your good friends what you expect from them: go to the cinema with them in order not to be alone; talk about the divorce or about your usual topics of conversation, get advice or so on. Suggest that they also talk about their feelings, including their discomfort.


Generally, the members of your family around you can support you. Nevertheless, it is better to avoid disappointment.  Do not have any illusions about their reactions: it is, after all, essential if the latter are dictated by affection. However, there are decidedly negative reactions. For example, this mother who, because of her jealousy, ceases to speak to her daughter.  The daughter has the chance to divorce, while the mother endured a difficult marriage.


You often need a clear break from the in-laws. In many cases, the relationships continued because they were of high quality before the divorce. Sometimes, the family members want you to participate in events of their lives, but do not dare to ask you. Maintaining good relationships with people you appreciated cannot harm you provided they are sure you accepted the reality of divorce. Otherwise, things would be a bit more complicated.


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