After the break up of a couple or loss of a loved one, there are many feelings that must be addressed.
You have to relearn everything and get used to your old ways of life that are believed to be buried forever. However, after the loss of your companion, loneliness becomes prominent again.
“The fear of loneliness is one of the most common fears in adults. This is because they have spent their entire life with someone and have suddenly suffered a loss and separation and they have to adjust and accommodate their lives to entirely new situations which cause distress and anxiety”, says psychologist Cadesteras Argentina Piedad Mint.
Feeling alone is not the same as being alone, but the feeling often overwhelms the sufferer and, if not controlled, it can lead to diseases, phobias and problems at work or in relationships with other people in time.
“It is important that the person experiencing this sensation as exhausting as feeling alone talks with other people, shares certain times of the day and not always returns home at night. After the period of mourning, we must go back to the surface and make it clear that loneliness is a state that can be reversed if we really want this to happen,” the specialist still advises.
Tips for dealing with this situation the best way possible:
- Resorting to friends or relatives when you feels anguish. Do not stay alone as that feeling can only cause
more frustration and depression;
-Trying to perform some activities in your spare time, activities which you can share with other known and
unknown people. Going to the gym, joining a workshop, scheduling a day out with friends or relatives
would be some suggestions;
- You do not necessarily need to meet a couple to fill the emptiness. You will strengthen the internal aspects
that increase your self-confidence in order to deal with change, take on new life and be able to reverse
everything that you want to change;
- Traveling is a great way to unwind, to meet people. You have time to relax and think about the projects
you want to undertake from now on, whether at a professional or a personal level;.
- Do not be ashamed to say that you are alone. The friends, family and people you know from now on are
the strongest pillars to support you and help you move on; and
- Learn to get rid of feelings of sadness, resentment and guilt as you should not engage in what has given rise
to your loneliness. Assume your mistakes and try not to repeat the basic ones so that you can cope with life
in a healthy and different way.
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