The Importance of Speech: Knowing About Your Marriage

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Consider a separation leads to the judge re-evaluating what your married life was. Compared to what the couple thought they knew, the one who contemplates secession begins to evaluate differently and to write another story, in which the roles, responsibilities, intentions and ambitions become different.

The role of speech

A priori, neither the law nor the social habits provide any codes or pose any limitations to the retrospective history that anyone can imagine. However, there are times when one partner of the couple begins to re-write history in the form of common stock.  This is a crucial time for the conduct and outcome of a divorce and for everyone’s balance in the future. It is very important to understand that this "reconstruction" of the marriage-post is in itself a step that will transform the relationship of the couple. The role assigned to it, the part known to each event, the reasons given in each act, depict a story that moves towards a conclusion, a play on which the curtain will fall one way or another. This is the line between marriage and divorce.

Formulate your perception of the past and future

The separation that began in the couple demonstrates a mutual incompatibility on what everyone wants and what everyone lives. How to understand the initiation of this failure? And how to share that understanding with the partner who became an alternate person and therefore no longer shares anything? The only way to understand what happened to the marriage and partnership is through words, these making everyone have a perception of the past and the future.

Learn about the nuances

The more the role ascribed to the other is derogatory, excessive and without nuance, the more they are forced to defend themselves or feel guilty. It is a common impact of the judicial dimension of the divorce. And it prevents them from common observations that lead the way for a peaceful future. All work will be necessary for the one who wants to recapture an image of themselves "living" and comes to limit the challenge it imposes on the other. By cons, any element of reasoned and balanced understanding of the history of the couple that leads to a conclusion more or less acceptable by both, promotes the subsequent reconstruction of each.
It often seems illusory, at the time of separation, to talk about the history of the couple in an accessible way.  After all, this history is under the influence of frustration, rebellion, anger or fear. But from the moment you become aware of the considerable challenge that this represents for the future, there is possible support, such as mediation... and then, time passes and you forget about lawyers, online divorce and alimony.


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