Life changes when our thoughts change, too
Good luck? We often say that we have had good luck, but it is not so as it is all about positive thinking! Positive thinking attracts what you think and when you add the power of words and accompany it with the feeling, you are almost undefeatable.
An example of a negative approach to life: The question: How are you? The answers:
"My life is a mess.
I am not doing very well.
This always happens to me.
I have already spoiled everything.
Nothing is going to be as I want it to be.
It is useless to strive. "
The problem is that there are many people who can determine their behavior and even their approach to life. They are undefeatable people ... But even when things are going well in life, just think
"This will not last long. I will run out of good luck. Happiness is not forever. I would like everything to always go well, but it's impossible." Instead, positive thinking works for people with goals and helps them to succeed and they will succeed in life if they use different sentences:
"Everything will be alright. Nothing is impossible. I have faith that everything will be in my favor. Good luck always accompanies me. I am confident. I should make an effort."
And if something bad happens, positive people are not defeated. On the contrary, their speech is one of hope and they say:
"There's an ill wind that blows. Always look on the bright side of things. Everything will be better next time. I should move forward no matter what happens."
Negative people are like the evil characters in a movie. They see themselves as losers, victims, while positive people are like wrestlers, entrepreneurs, owners of their destiny, continuous creators of their own movie. This is what is important, to change the view over life.
But ... Why be positive?
- The first reason is the physical and mental health.
It has been shown in several studies that a minute left to entertain a negative thought puts the immune system in an awkward position for hours. The distress causes a permanent feeling of being overwhelmed and it produces very striking changes in the functioning of the brain and of the hormonal system. It has the ability to damage neurons related to the memory and learning, which are located in the hypothalamus and it affects our intellectual blood flow as it leaves those brain areas most needed to make good decisions. Those people who are more irritable are more likely to suffer from heart problems and other ailments. Do not let a negative perception of life produce medium and long term health problems and affect the quality of your life. If you want to improve your health and live longer, get used to thinking positively.
- Your family, your partner, your children .... The people you most want are those who understand you have already resigned in front of bad temper, jealousy, insults, criticism ... There is the risk of transmitting a negative education to your children and all that entails for future employment and social integration. There is the risk of weakening the ties that bind you to your partner and the enthusiasm and excitement that must always be enhanced. If you want a happy family, try to think positive, as it will help a lot.
- Your work: A negative thought affects your intellectual capacity. It's much harder for people with negative thoughts to thrive in their work. Even those with higher intellectual ability and brilliance have their chances diminished by the suspicion generated by their negativity. While people with children are sometimes opportunist, people mired in negative approaches accentuate their isolation and their lack of popularity and support in their working environment. The modern and competitive company particularly values the leader, known for their ability to address complex and difficult situations with positive approaches. If you want to succeed, you should seek to think positively.
- Their social environment. A large part of our lives takes place around our friends, our neighboring communities, our social circles ... People with negative thoughts are developing an antisocial attitude that makes it increasingly difficult to be integrated and accepted. Their criticisms are isolated and they cannot accept their negative approach.
- Yourself. You only live this life once. Perhaps, not everything in our world is meant to be perfect. But surely, being positive helps and makes it much easier. Build relationships with others, but relationships based on positive thinking, make your family happier, improve your health and you will feel much better. You will even be aware of the worst situations you can be faced with...
"Do these seem insufficient for you to try? "Are you encouraged to make these changes?
Energy follows thought: Understand how your thoughts work
Thinking is the role that nature has given us. The mind makes us human, it is the greatest power we have. The state of our thinking determines our life and life changes when our thoughts change. It is not necessary to know that the mind is a power that works in positive or negative ways, but it works, whether for better or for worse. You shouldn’t change your mind if you want to live your life. Energy follows thought. Check your beliefs, your ideas. If you go looking for work thinking you're not going to get the job and you say: I cannot work, I cannot make a decree, you will not get it because the word has the power to manifest that thought. Good luck? No, it is positive thinking. Because positive thinking attracts what you think and when you put the power of words and the feeling together, you get the outcome you want.
Positive words
Words create the environment you live in and the environment you consider to be yours. Not acknowledging this power that many words thrown right and left have is like setting fires throwing lighted matches at home, at work, among friends. Many tragedies, turning points, crises occur because of such negative words which are thrown at the wrong time! Watch your thoughts and listen to your words. Words give positive feedback and make you recognize yourself. A thought for the good of others becomes a force of light that guides you through life. Never curse because the negative energy that fills your environment generates negative energy codes that appeal to your life and circumstances and bring misfortunes, tragedies, and yes, bad luck. Give blessings. They link the blessed with the higher spheres of consciousness and attract all that is beautiful, good and true into your life.
We are responsible for our thoughts
Thoughts are like rays which go to other areas and influence others. We are responsible for the good or evil they cause. We observe the state of our thoughts and feelings every day. Chasing the negative thoughts away attracts positive thoughts, such as thinking about doing good deeds and about thanking for life. If you want to change the world, you have to think of the world you want!
Methods and ideas for positive thinking: get to work and change your thinking
Learn about the ideas, techniques and methods to encourage positive thinking from day one. I recommend that you build the wall from the first moment and set a goal to achieve every day.
1. A formula of urgency: the opposite thought. In his popular bestseller “The Monk who sold his Ferrari”, Robin S. Sharma gives us a method that can be very effective. He calls it "The opposite thought." Your mind can only think of one thing at a time. It is impossible to think of two things at once. If a negative thought comes to your mind, think about the opposite. Take it as a mental exercise, though it may seem silly or simplistic. If you have made a coworker green with anger, imagine that you have given them a lot of reasons to be joyful. If you are making a ferocious self-criticism, praise yourself. This "mental exercise" may tell you that although many believe to be right in life, their negative thoughts may not be fair and they can underestimate the way things really are or the way they would like things to be. Above all, begin to realize that you feel better with many of your thoughts if you do not torment them continually. Destroy them, kill them. Do not let a single negative thought brew in your mind. This is your first challenge. The opposite thought is your "mental everyday gymnastics".
2. Set a deadline for practice. The formation of habits in a person is fundamental. Do not simply apply this method for a couple of days. Aim for a minimum of four weeks / one month to do this mental exercise. The opposite technique is using a useful thought to free the mind from worry and negative influences in case this is a habit of yours. Mental control and awareness of the many negative thoughts that you can have is a great first step.
3. A goal for each day. This first step must lead to something else. Change your attitude towards life. Delve into the reasons and causes that have led to the escalation of negative thoughts and be very active in implementing solutions. We suggest everyday fixtures such as focusing on a target that allows you to be happy. You must find a goal for each day. Try changing the following:
4. Stop criticizing others. Do you think you're perfect? Congratulations. You already have a very good reason to be generous with the others. You are not perfect ... as a bit of humility and understanding of others is not bad ... Humans are not perfect!. Stop criticizing and be understanding! Always put yourself in another’s shoes. Look at your own mistakes before criticizing others. When you punish your child for something, think about what you did at their age. Start by saying, "I did the same was your age, even worse than you ...". It is very wise to apply the saying "Let me say something before you do". This indicates that it is better to stay ahead of the others when they explain their defects or faults.
5. Smile: A smile is a sign of great social value. If you do it honestly, as a token of sincere appreciation of your personal relationships, it will trigger a chain of positive attitudes. Try it, smile at the right time and you will have the smile returned. This creates a positive climate. Do not say "thanks" as one throws a paper to the trash. Say "thank you" and smile. Your image will change in the eyes of many people.
A smile lights up many people’s faces. You should work with a partner before discussing a problem. Take a few seconds. Try to smile, ask about their family and remember an episode which is dear to both. Find reasons to smile. Surely, you have them. Generously share something that costs nothing: the joy of living each day. Improve your social relationships as this will prevent you from the temptation to criticize. The benefits of laughter are several:
- it encourages you
- it reduces the risks of diseases
- it creates a happier family environment
- it improves labor relations
- it will be your best card. Your license to others’ personal equilibrium, welfare and happiness.
- It helps with balancing your mind, adding a touch of healthy humor
- Forgiveness: Sometimes we must forgive those who we call our "enemies", as an act of generosity.
Actually, it is quite the opposite. Forgiveness is a selfish attitude, it is absolutely crucial to our physical and mental health. It is not intelligent, healthy or loaded to have an enemy behind you. The status of "enemy" gives you many opportunities in your mind. They appear in inopportune moments, in your home, your family, your work, in your dreams ... They encourage the recreation of many negative thoughts in your mind: revenge, envy, spite ... Forget, forgive. Be happy, let your life by guided by positive thinking, these feelings being narrow margins that should have no place in your mind. Do not have enemies. Try forgiveness. We must begin to work it slowly. Think about the problem. Practice empathy. Empathy is the effort we make to recognize and understand people’s feelings and attitudes and circumstances that affect a particular time. The problem is seen through the other person's eyes. This will be a big step in the act of forgiveness. Forgiveness is wise.
- Mastering life. Do not let it dominate you life. You have taken a giant step in deciding to control your mind. Chase all the negative thoughts away and start thinking positive. But you must take more steps so that you own your choices, your time, the things that might be of importance and all this makes it easier for you to think positive. Here are some tips that may help:
"Set your goals and priorities
“Plan your time and try to adjust to it
"Cultivate self-discipline
"Allow time for rest and reflection
"Do not hesitate to fight against stress
"In business, they say that" the urgency of addressing prevents things from being important". This is bad.
Dozens of business issues or business partners, suppliers, customers find their way into your daily schedule, finding "extremely urgent" issues or situations. Although other things are important and perhaps more urgent, they are relegated day after day. Endpoint. Mark your time and priorities.
-Establish what is important In your work and your family very clearly. Take the time and resources.
-Mental energy: We sometimes end up "rewarding" the concerns, promoting negative thinking about others and oneself from early in the morning until late at night, although we may know that this is not a good thing. In short: we waste our mental energy. Recall that we should use our mental energy to practice the technique of "opposing thoughts" when it comes to negative thoughts. Also, take the reins of our emotional impulses through the control and development of our emotional intelligence. The formula we have to follow is: PERSONAL EMOTIONS + motivation + EMPATHY =
- Control our emotional impulses= MENTAL ENERGY
Your mental energy is always growing or it should be. Try to cultivate your mental energy and notice that your mind is becoming stronger and more balanced, more alert and intelligent.
-Emotional intelligence
-Improving your approach to improve your hormones: positive messages for your "hormonal chemistry" leads you to:
-Not being suspicious of others" by nature.
-Avoiding the tendency to systematically criticize.
-Developing a pleasant climate around the people with whom you live
-Establishing sets of values such as tolerance, respect, gratitude ...
-Developing empathy
-Laughing and enjoying life.
-Improve your relationships with the others: Practice empathy. Empathy means putting yourself in another’s shoes, trying to understand their point of view from your position. If you have already successfully completed your goal to stop criticizing, we go a step further and practice empathy. Be generous and think about educational, occupational, social family influence etc. One can genetically be much worse than another ... Therefore, it is worth putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. You may find unexpected people in unexpected places, people who are very interesting although they may not be just as successful. If you don’t give those people an opportunity, you don’t give yourself one either. Thus, you cannot become stronger. How to see positivity in others? Try to find each person’s positive side. There. Even in the most negative person. If you see positivity in your environment, you will render them increasingly positive messages. The negative atmosphere will gradually turn into a positive one ... Try to find the bright side of things. Insist on seeing the good things in people and try to understand and be generous with some people. Try to act positively when it comes to small details of your relationship with others.
-Improve health: Take up a healthy life. Do not smoke, do not abuse of alcohol. If you smoke or drink occasionally, you have a challenge to improve your health, your self-control ability and your strength of will. This may be something that may improve your health and help you to think positively. Exercise regularly. It will help you become someone else. If you manage to exercise regularly, your brain will eventually think positive. Many of the chemical reactions that occur in the brain and lead to people acting positively have to do with the attitudes that are developed with continued exercise and achieving fitness, a good blood supply, etc. Plan a physical activity that fits your age, from walking to specialized exercises (yoga, jogging, etc.).. Take care of what you eat because you are what you eat. If you watch your diet, you've taken a big step. Read about food and health. Learn about the properties of food. Follow a varied and balanced diet and be careful to the requirements related to your health. Watch out for becoming overweight.
Ten tips for positive thinking and changing your life
- The thinking is the key. I think it is crucial. In this regard, "thinking positively at all times provides a key advantage. In this regard, it should lead to success and not to failure. Avoid negative people and negative environments. You are what you think.
- Decide on your own dreams and goals. Be specific when setting your goals. For example, do not say "I would like to start exercising this month," but "I will start exercising this month." Make a careful plan and stick to it.
- Take action. The goals alone do not make sense but it takes action to achieve them. Just get to execute them without hesitation. In the previous example: Buy your sports clothing, join the gym and become more efficient when it comes to controlling your first two weeks...
- Never stop learning. Never stop learning. Take classes, read books, participate in groups, acquire new skills continuously.
- Be persistent and work hard. We ever heard the expression "the road to success is a marathon, not a sprint." Keep your goal, fight for it and work hard, so be persistent. Do not give up.
- Learn to analyze details. Get all the facts, ask for all the data and all the key variables. This will help you make the wisest decisions. Learn from your mistakes, but do not let them conquer you.
- Focus your time and money. When you believe in something, put all your attention and energy into it. Do not let people distract you.
- Do not be afraid of being innovative. Be different, try to be innovative. The world is moving continuously. It is progressing. Do not stop your world. Have ideas about what a successful idea may be. Do not follow the crowd.
- Communicate with people effectively. A person is not an island. Communicate your thoughts and desires honestly. Encourage others to communicate with you in a sincere manner. Practice understanding and motivating with people.
- Act with honesty. Take responsibility for what you do. Never cheat or lie. When you make a promise, stick to it. When you make a mistake, admit it.
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