Divorce is not the end of the world!
1. Do not confuse divorce and failure
Everyone has the right to make mistakes. You suffer, it's normal, but it is always possible to start a new life together starting afresh on a sounder footing. This may take time, but it is possible, others have done it, so why can't you!
2. Express your emotions
Do not bottle up your emotions. You are going through a period of intense stress. Do not bury your anger, your sorrow, your fears, but remember that these can serve as allies: these emotions will take you to new insights that help you rebuild your life.
3. Take advantage of this crisis to take stock of your love life
Be honest with yourself in a divorce and don’t throw the blame on the other one, try to take stock of what went wrong, of your needs and deepest desires, of your reactions. This development can transform you and the more you can avoid making the same mistakes in your future relationships.
4. Do not feel guilty! it is useless if you weaken yourself!
Be your own ally. Once the decision is made, do not regret it as there is nothing worse than feeling guilty. You've faced this situation as you could, that's all!
5. Feel free to talk, share with others who have experienced the same thing as you!
It's very good for your morale to realize that you are not the only one in the world to experience this horror and this will help you a lot more!
6. You suffer terribly, you feel lonely, misunderstood
Do not hesitate to consult a professional psychologist, marriage counselor or another. It helps put things flat and helps with not dramatizing the situation.Therefore, get any kind of divorce help from wherever you can.
7. Take time to pamper yourself and relax
In order not to get overwhelmed by stress or grief, take care of yourself by doing physical activity, yoga or take up swimming, relaxation therapy or practicing a hobby that can disconnect you from your problems.
8. Take a job if you can
Nothing is worse than turning around alone with your concerns. In many cases, women who work overcome their divorce better because they are different from a social point of view. Monsieur!
9. Try to stay positive
Once a crisis is over, it resets the counters and gives you the opportunity to start again. Life is not static, it is in perpetual motion and it has a lot of questions. Crises, as difficult and painful as they are, often provide real opportunities for personal growth and rebirth.
10. You have finally accepted the ordeal you've been through.
Bravo! It means that you have done your mourning of your old relationship and that you have taken into account all the separation divorce advice you got. Now, you are ready for another one.
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