Separation always represents a break, a removal of a part of oneself. It revives the previous failures. Consequently, some diseases may occur. The body then remembers and a part of us hurts. It is common to see someone suffer from neck pain, tendonitis, back pain after separation. Women in distress often feel stifled by moral concerns. The body is in harmony with the spirit.
The work will focus on relaxation therapy and the reversal of trends to accept being wrong, to finally accept and "to be good" regardless of the divorce grounds.
The harmony between the body and mind will finally be there.
How does relaxation therapy work?
Following work relaxation, the consciousness is freed from everything that clutters someone's mind and can then program a positive approach to life and the future. Free from all tensions, the relaxed body makes the mind serene. It is then easy to induce a simple positive visualization of a haphazardly organized life. The overall approach to life changes gradually. The practitioner learns to recognize these moments of joy that will be repeated thanks to the source of happiness found. It is a wonderful tool to allow the people who are devalued by a lack of love to rebuild themselves as individuals and not only. Your regular desires, projects, joy and vision of your life will change rapidly. More strikingly, you will attract friendships, the eyes of others will be rewarding again. The real difficulties will not take on huge proportions and disagreements will be relative.
How is the session?
It lasts for an hour and it is divided into three parts:
- An exchange time in which the patient exhibits their work and wishes, which allows the relaxation therapist
to choose the direction of the meeting;
- The technical session itself; and
- The patient describes their sensations and benefits and is helped to find work at home.
The origin of relaxation therapy
Developed by the Colombian-born neuropsychologist Alfonso Caycedo, relaxation therapy works on consciousness. It also draws its origins from yoga and Zen. There is a clearly defined technical protocol adapted to particular cases, offering a structured and codified technique.
The results are very fast
You will master your emotions and learn to find the breath of life doing specific breathing exercises.
The groundwork is breathing, relaxation and mental programming.
The goal is empowerment after a divorce. You will only need a low number of sessions to continue your work. You seek moments of relaxation, time to practice your relaxation therapy and rapid progress in work in your daily life. The average is between six and fifteen sessions, but you stop when the relaxation therapist allows you to and when you think you have the means to continue feeling good and to see life as it is: full of relaxing moments.
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