Marie-France Hirigoyen put a name on the mental suffering, updating a real social phenomenon. In her second book, "Malaise in the work, mobbing: untangling fact from fiction," reflecting further, she looks specifically at the phenomenon in the world of work.
"The bullying, perverse violence everyday"
By: Marie France Hirigoyen
"It is possible to destroy someone just with words, looks, innuendo: it is called perverse violence or bullying. This book nurtured numerous testimonies, the author examines the special relationship and perverse warns against any attempt to commoditization. It shows us that the same deadly process happens at work, leading victims in a depressed, even suicidal spiral. This insidious violence stems from the same desire to get rid of someone without getting their hands dirty."
Isabelle Nazare-Aga is a behavioral therapist and trainer in business.
She is also a sophrologist and a Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioner. She carries out a liberal cabinet and runs assertiveness seminars.
"Manipulators and love"
By: Isabelle Nazare-Aga
• What can you expect from a romantic relationship with a manipulative man or a woman?
• What process involves the operator to seduce, isolate and belittle their partner until they lose
their self-esteem?
• What happens when they try to leave?
• How are children involved in this separation?
• How do you spell such an experience?
Isabelle Nazare-Aga demonstrates the mechanisms and manifestations of emotional control that is exerted on you and how to protect yourself with evidence gathered during her experience as a therapist.
"The manipulators are among us"
By: Isabelle Nazare-Aga
Everyone has experienced relational contact with a manipulator at least once in their life! It need not be a salesman, advertising or politician to enter into relations with other sub modes and little moral pretexts. They often remove responsibility gently, they feel guilty, devalued, create embarrassment or suspicion, flatter, charm or terrorize ...
The manipulator moves in our marital, social or professional family. They seem to be friendly, attractive, selfless, dedicated, educated or even tyrannical. The relational manipulators use a variety of maneuvers to bring an indictment in the other. Gradually, the psychological damage settles. Are they aware? Why do they handle? Do I become a manipulator? Do the victims of manipulation also bear some responsibility? What are the means (financial, counseling) to protect themselves? In this powerful book, Isabelle Nazare-Aga answers some questions and shows us how the manipulators are present among us.
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